LWGA Virtual Zoom Meeting
5/17/20: Recap
LWGA held its first virtual meeting on Zoom on Sunday, May 17, 2020. This was required since we are unable to meet in person due to the COVID-19 precautions.
The meeting began with a short social discussion by each participant about the status of their vineyards and their general conditions under the stay at home mandate. There were 17 participants and it was good to see everyone after such a long absence!
Then, Gerard van Steyn took the lead in presenting a very well prepared power point about powdery mildew and watering:
LWGA Powdery Mildew Power Point
There were many questions and discussions during the meeting and in the end, there was a good sense of better understanding of the challenges and solutions posed by Powdery Mildew which we all must deal with in grape growing. We encourage anyone who has a question to please post your question on the forum on our website, and you will get a response.
At our next Zoom meeting, date TBD, we would like to invite all the members to join us in a social cocktail hour virtual gathering to stay in touch and discuss any topic desired.
Stay healthy and safe!
Daniel Howsepian
LWGA President