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October 17 General Meeting Recap

Hello LWGA Members:

On Sunday LWGA held a scheduled general meeting at the Wine Thieves in the back area with the picnic tables. The meeting was well attended with 28 people. Everyone brought wine and appetizers enough for all attending.

This was to be a mostly social meeting, and it was great to see everyone there. It was hard to break up all the conversations to begin the meeting.

We began by introducing our new members, Kim Straub of Cinco Ninos Vineyards and Leanne Pilot & Dennis Carlston of Crane Terrace Vineyards.

I also announced to the group our plans for the LWGA AVA celebration on Sunday, April 24, 2022 right there in the parking lot and easements between the Wine Thieves and the new wine tasting room which Larry Thal is undertaking, hopefully completed in time for the event. There will be wine booths selling tastings and wine, food trucks, music and other events & services. Please be sure to put that date on your calendar and spread the word!

We encouraged everyone there to tell us about their harvest. Many folks indicated that their harvest was under par for the year. This is consistent with the information published in various papers from Sonoma and Napa. Factors such as excessive heat and the drought were identified as the causes for the lower yields. A vigorous and entertaining discussion about water consumption ensued. However, the bright spot is that it is anticipated that while the vines have suffered, they tend to produce rich and flavorful vintages!

There was a concern that the rains would interrupt the meeting, but as it turned out, the rain held off for us until the adjournment at 6 PM.

We look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting. The board will publish after it’s next meeting the annual membership meeting schedule for the members.

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