After a couple of unsuccessful attempts due to weather, beginning last year, we finally managed to work between two storms to get in the pruning workshop. It was a beautiful day and perfect for the discussions and demonstrations for the well attended gathering. The takeaway is that pruning takes some thought since what you do now will affect not only this year’s harvest, but the following one as well.
The content of the workshop was as follows:
Demystifying Pruning
Cordon/spur vs Cane pruning techniques
Conversion methods between pruning techniques
Reading the vines for good pruning decisions
Vines should be pruned based on their capacity and how to determine that capacity
Selection of shoots for new growth and renewals
Decisions on number of buds for balance growth
Demonstrations of all of the above.
After the pruning workshop, we all gathered for a glass of wine and cheeses under a wonderful afternoon light in the vineyard, and still had plenty of time to watch the Superbowl! What a day.
This could be an annual event for our members if desired.