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Cover Crop Info

I learned about this interesting seed company during during recent regenerative agriculture course – that you can use to create a custom mix of cover crop seeds. Basic goal: the more diversity in your cover crop/weeds, the better for your soils.

Here is the website And note, that its best to broadcast the seeds just before the first soaking rain, or rake the seeds fully in, otherwise the birds will dig them up and eat them.

Below is the mix just ordered for our new vineyard, all of the species may not take, but we are gonna give them all a go.

Specieslbs/acre% full rate% wt.% seedsseeds/acrecost/lbcost/acre
Subterranean Clover0.817%2%6%121 k$3.15$2.54
Ladino White Clover- Nitro Coat OMRI0.77%2%18%354 k$3.55$2.50
Fixation Balansa Clover -Nitro Coat OMRI0.67%2%16%302 k$2.55$1.54
Persian Clover – OMRI Inoculated1.017%3%7%141 k$2.40$2.41
Chickpea (Desi)7.557%22%1%16.6 k$0.58$4.38
Sainfoin (Shoshone) – Certified1.817%5%2%33.5 k$2.55$4.62
Alfalfa (Common) – Inoculated1.517%4%12%226 k$2.95$4.45
Crimson Clover (Dixie) – OMRI Inoculated1.817%5%10%194 k$1.95$3.53
Nematode Control Radish0.817%2%1%20.1 k$2.40$1.93
Nitro Radish0.817%2%1%20.1 k$1.70$1.37
Purple Top Turnip: VNS0.67%2%5%103 k$1.65$1.00
Siberian Kale0.77%2%6%123 k$2.50$1.76
White Mustard (White Gold)0.77%2%4%70.4 k$2.05$1.44
Smart Radish0.817%2%1%20.1 k$1.90$1.53
Faba Beans: VNS7.557%22%1%18.9 k$0.57$4.30
Collards (Impact Forage)0.817%2%7%141 k$2.00$1.61
Okra (Clemson Spineless 80)0.77%2%0%5.14 k$1.05$0.74
Austrian Winter Peas5.037%15%1%20.1 k$0.67$3.37

Our Next LWGA General Meeting; Rescheduled to October 17, 2021; 3-6 PM @ the Wine Thieves Back Patio

Hello Everyone:

I don’t know about you, but I’m really tired these days because of the early harvest. It seemed to have taken many of us by surprise! I hope that the harvest is going well for you! Lots of juggling around with picker’s scheduling, managing tank space and emergency bottling going on.

Because so many of us are very busy with the harvest and the ensuing wine making, the board has decided to postpone the General Member’s meeting, which was to have been on Sunday, Sept 26 to October 17, 2021. We felt that this would give everyone a breather and by October 17, things can settle down a bit for our general meeting.

Our General meeting on October 17, between 3 – 6 PM will be held at the Wine Thieves back patio area! We will be outdoors and this should be a great venue for our meeting. Thank you to the Wine Thieves!

We are asking our members to please bring your notes about this year’s harvest, and tell us how it went for you. I am sure we’ll have a lot to talk about! Also, maybe you can bring a bottle of your wine from last year or another to share with the group.

We hope to see you all on the 17th of October.

Until then, happy harvesting!


Daniel Howsepian

LWGA President

Mildew Management Webinar

UC Ag Expert Talk: Grape Powdery Mildew Management and Challenges

Aug 11, 2021 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Zoom webinar 2 DPR CEUS applied for. Register at

This 2-hour webinar will cover:

·       Biology and ID of powdery mildew

·       Sulfur use and role in resistance management

·       Sprayer settings, nozzles, assessing coverage

·       Effect of certain weather conditions on drift

·       Fungicide resistance

·       Efficacy of powdery mildew products for vineyards

Effective Organic Spray/Tank Mix

As some may know, Kathryn and I have struggled to organically control mildew in our vineyard, in large part because neighboring vineyards are not mildew controlled. This year we had great success (finally) with mildew control using the following organic tank mix. It combines anti-mildew bacteria with sulfur or stylet oil for improved performance, and is relatively inexpensive as well:

Sulfur, Cease or Sonata, spreader/sticker (I added a bit of Regalia as well but that probably isn’t necessary)

Stylet oil can be substituted for sulfur, just remember to allow 2 weeks interval between oil and sulfur

Here is more info on this tank mix. It apparently is as effective as chemical based mildew products.

Recap of first General meeting in person on 7/25/21 since The Covid 19 Restrictions;

Hello Fellow LWGA Members:

On Sunday, July 25, 2021 LWGA held it’s first General Meeting in person since the arrival of the Covid 19 restrictions. It’s been a very long time and seeing everyone was a real treat! There were 29 people present that day over at Mel & Diane Haas’ home in Lafayette. There was ample wine and food donated by the membership.

We began the meeting with a longer than usual social time, but well received.

I introduced our host, Mel Haas. Mel gave us a warm and interesting introduction to the history of the property and vineyard

David Hicks set up a demonstration of a netting system and gave us a talk about it’s use and set up. I have made a video of the presentation for those who could not make the meeting but the recording was too long for me to present here. Sorry. I am sure David would be happy to review this with you personally.

I spoke after Dave to announce the 2022 AVA celebration planed for Sunday, April 24, 2022. This will be an open event to the membership and the public as a fundraiser for our little LWGA. It will be located on the parking grounds between the Wine Thieves and Larry Thal’s new tasting/production facility next door. I suggested the name of “Lamorinda Wine Hub” but it’s Larry’s call on the name. There will be food trucks, wine tasting and sales from our bonded wine makers, music and loads of fun for all spread out between the two venus! I mentioned that there will be a need for volunteers and that we will be reaching out to our membership for help for this event. We’re all excited to be there

I then invited Larry Thal to give us an update of his much anticipated tasting room and production facility in Lafayette. Larry said that he anticipated that the facility could be ready by March of 2022, just in time to be used for the 2022 AVA celebration being planned right now.

Once all the formalities were completed, we were invited to tour the Haas Vineyard in veraison. Mel mentioned, that halfway through the tour, there was a gazebo where wine could be found to top off your glass as needed. It didn’t take much to get people moving through the vineyard. It also turned out to be a great spot to sit and talk to your fellow members on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Some of us stayed well until 7 PM. Hopefully Mel didn’t mind.

Respectfully submitted:

Daniel Howsepian

LWGA President

LWGA General Meeting Gentle Reminder

Hello fellow LWGA Socially Deprived Members:

We’ll, this is it. We’re finally going to meet on Sunday in person for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic! It will certainly be great to see you all again!

When:        Our next LWGA meeting will be held on Sunday,

July 25, 2021 from 3-6 PM

Where:     Mel & Diane Haas have generously offered to host our meeting at their beautiful home. 

                        960 Stow Lane;  Lafayette, CA 94549;    Outdoor setting.

Parking:    Parking is very limited and so we please ask you to car pool as much as possible to avoid any  problems with the neighbors.  Stow lane is narrow. 

Please remember to bring something to share and your wine glasses.

See you then.

Daniel Howsepian

President, LWGA

LWGA General Meeting – July 25, 2021 3-6 PM

Hello Fellow LWGA Members:

I hope you are enjoying this summer, although it might be a bit hotter than usual. 

Well, the moment we have all been waiting for is arriving!  We will be having our first in person general meeting in a very long time, for those that have been vaccinated! 

When:        Our next LWGA meeting will be held on Sunday,

July 25, 2021 from 3-6 PM

Where:     Mel & Diane Haas have generously offered to host our meeting at their beautiful home. 

                        960 Stow Lane;  Lafayette, CA 94549;    Outdoor setting.

Parking:    Parking is very limited and so we please ask you to car pool as much as possible to avoid any  problems with the neighbors.  Stow lane is narrow. 

Because we have not seen each other in person for such a long time, we would like to emphasize  the social aspect of this meeting.  We encourage everyone to join us in this event and do some catching up! 

We will have a brief presentation by Dave Hicks demonstrating a netting application you might find useful.  We also have a lot of interesting news for you regarding the LWGA!  Don’t miss this one!

We have many new members who have joined us recently, and wish to welcome them at this meeting. 

For our new members, and because it has been so long since our last meeting,  I would like to review the following:

–    Please bring a bottle or two of your favorite wine to share with everyone;

–    Please bring an appetizer, entree  or desert, buffet style,  that you would be proud to share;

–    Please bring your wine glass so you can enjoy the wines your fellow members have brought for you;

–    Please bring your stories, adventures or other experiences you had in the last year to share.

I know everyone is anxious to see each other again, and share all those stories we have all experienced recently. 

See you on the 25th!


Daniel Howsepian

President LWGA

Recap of Sunday’s General Meeting

Hello LWGA Members:

Last Sunday @ 4 PM we had what we all hope to be our last LWGA general meeting by Zoom! We will have our next meeting for members who have been vaccinated on Sunday, July 25, 2021 at a location TBD. Most likely at an exterior location. I know we are all anxious to see each other again!

We had a good turn out for our meeting. After a short social conversation, I mentioned that I was having a problem with ground squirrels and that I had found an effective trap for that problem. The trap is called “The Squirrelinator”. You can find it at; look for traps and get the one with the basin. Use birdseed for the bait. It really works!

We also had a short conversation about the heavy rainfall some of us experienced three weeks ago which occurred right at flowering. Not the best timing for that to happen! I experienced some damage as a result in shattered flower set. The life of a farmer….

The next topic was about watering and nutrition of the vines in these drought times. Gerard made a wonderful power point presentation which he narrated masterfully! There was a very lively interaction with the participants and a lot of useful information was exchanged. The power point will be posted on our website for reference. A note of appreciation went out to Bill Scanlin for managing our website and for making it possible to access useful information on the platform.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have joined us in all of the recent Zoom meetings throughout the trying times we have all lived through recently with the Covid pandemic. I hope that we have kept you engaged with useful information and connection with other members. We will do our best to resume a more normal activity within our group beginning in July!

Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!


Daniel Howsepian

LWGA President