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Just 4 tasting kits left for our celebration of the 5 year anniversary of the Lamorinda AVA

Sunday we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the Lamorinda AVA. Of course we would prefer an in person event and will have that once covid restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, we have just 4 tasting kits left available! If you were planning to sign up for a tasting kit, and haven’t yet, here’s the link: You can probably get two tastings from one kit. It’s a great way to try some of the non-commercial wines in the region

Highlighting our second contributing winery, Magalhaes Vineyard. Joao will present his 2018 Pinot Noir

If you missed our first winery over on Facebook, highlighting Davidson Vineyards

RSVP now for the LWGA celebration of the Lamorinda AVA!

Have you RSVPed for our tasting celebration? RSVP ASAP for the 28 March event here: We need to know how many bottles to pour!

Head over to Facebook (Facebook account not required) to read the profiles of our tasting 6 wineries. Over the next couple of weeks, we will highlight all 6 wineries. First up is Linda and Bill Davidson from Davidson Vineyards!

LWGA celebrates the 5 year anniversary of the Lamorinda AVA

In honor of the Lamorinda AVA turning 5 this year, the LWGA is celebrating with an afternoon of wine tasting, story telling, and more via Zoom on March 28, 2021 from 4pm.

We are excited to offer tastings from some AVA non-bonded wines not available for purchase. The tasting will include wine from Haas Vineyard, Reliez Valley Vineyards, Cherry Family Winery, vS Vineyards, Magalhaes Vineyards, and Davidson Vineyard.

Please sign up via this link for the tasting so that we know how many tastings to prepare. You will need to pick up your tasting kit within Lamorinda in the week before the tasting. Details will be sent to those attending closer to the time.

As we are including non-bonded wines, this celebration is just for LWGA members and spouses. Once public gatherings are allowed, in line with State health guidance, we will host another celebration of the AVA’s 5 year anniversary for both members and the general public. We are all looking forward to this second celebration for many reasons!

Questions or comments? Email Amy Schofield at

See you there!

LWGA Board Election Results

Dear Members,

Thank you to all of those that voted in the board election.

I wanted to share the results with you. All six board members that ran will will be serving on the board for the next two years. Below are the vote counts by candidate:

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Bill Scanlin, Treasurer/Past-President

Lamorinda AVA 5 year anniversary

SAVE THE DATE – Lamorinda AVA 5 year anniversary

2021 sees the 5 year anniversary of the Lamorinda AVA!

Join the LWGA celebration of the Lamorinda AVA with an afternoon of wine tasting, and more, via Zoom on March 28, 2021 from 4pm.

For our Covid compliant celebration, we’d like to spotlight LWGA AVA home winemakers. If you’d like to include your wine in the tasting, email Amy or Leslie by Feb 10 for more information. The LWGA will supply you with tasting sized bottles to fill with your wine, about 4-7 bottles, depending on tasting sign ups.

A link to RSVP to the tasting for LWGA Members will be sent later this month.

Email Amy at to self-nominate or with more questions.

See you there!

January 31, 2021 meeting Recap

Hello fellow LWGA Members:

I would like to start off with a big Thank You to the members who submitted a video of an informative item to share with the rest of us!

We had 5 videos that Gerard organized for our viewing, all of which were very interesting as follows:

Mel Hass showed us his beautiful vineyard with a fabulous view of Mt. Diablo, his wine cellar, and how he successfully dealt with the racoon problem with his electric fencing set-up;

Leslie Ward also showed us her lovely vineyard and view, and her wine storage facility and shared how important it was to consider how to cool your wine storage facility;

Dave Hicks had some very beautiful pictures of his vineyard overlooking his little piece of paradise on Clear Lake, his very practical work station positioned to avoid bending over, saving his back and showed his wine storage areas as well;

Gerard Van Steyn showed us how a smart winemaker will be able to move about their 30 gallon barrels with ease using his innovative sturdy carts built with purpose in mind. Gerard also showed us his Pomegranate wine which we all we dying to taste!

Daniel Howsepian had a video showing you how you can spend a lot of time to install a cork ceiling which took 39,276 corks, 126 total hours in a span of 30 weeks! Crazy, right! but so nice in the end.

There were lots of questions and was really fun to see! I hope we can do this again and see what else we can come up with to share. I already have my idea in planning.

I hope by now you would have received your survey with the elections e-ballots for you to vote for the LWGA Board candidates presented. Please submit your votes this week.

Thank you all again for being a part of the LWGA and we will continue to provide opportunities for you to participate. We are all looking forward to the 5th year anniversary of the Lamorinda AVA in March! Stay tuned for details.

See you all soon, and stay safe!!


Daniel Howsepian

LWGA President