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Details About AVA Celebration Wine Evaluation

Hello fellow LWGA members.  We are excited about the upcoming opportunity for members to rate and evaluate AVA and non-AVA wines! This will be a blind tasting of wines, in different categories, such as whites, rose, cabernet, red blends, dessert, etc.  All members can enter wines to be evaluated, and we are encouraging everyone to submit at least one wine.   All members also can be a wine judge, as long as they have also signed up and paid to attend the AVA Celebration and commit to focus on tasting and rating all wines entered (so taking time to evaluate each wine and spitting instead of drinking).

After the AVA Celebration starts, there will be ample wines remaining for everyone else to taste the wines in a fun social setting, so those that judge wines will still not miss out on any of the fun. We will be compiling the wine ratings and notes, so that each wine maker will at a subsequent meeting receive ratings and notes, which should be helpful for future winemaking.

All wine entries need to be dropped off by Friday, April 27th, so we have time in advance of the wine evaluation event to get everything set for the tasting.  Please submit 2 bottles of wine for each entry, as this will provide enough wine for the evaluation and the remainder will be made available for other members and the general public to taste during the AVA Celebration.  Please drop you wines off at Bill Scanlins house, 6 Lois Lane, Lafayette CA, along with a check made out to LWGA for $5 per entry to cover costs.  If someone is not home in the Scanlin’s house when you drop by, there will be an ice chest by the front door wherein you can leave your wine and the entry fee.

Important:  Each bottle of wine needs to be labeled with the following:

  • Wine/Winemaker name 
  • Wine Type and Varietals if a Blend:   ie Cabernet Savignon 90%, Cab Franc 10%
  • Year of Vintage
  • Source of Grapes:  ie:  100% AVA sourced, Orinda  or Non-AVA Napa, Mt. Veeder

Event Details

  • When:          4:30 to 5:30pm. Sunday April 29
  • Where:         Lafayette Community Library
  • Details:        2 bottles of wine per entry; $5 per entry, each wine labeled with Winemaker, Year, Varietals, Source of Grapes (within AVA or not and where more specifically), dropped off at Bill Scanlin’s house no later than April 27th.

To signup to be a wine judge/evaluator, please email or call Gerard at 707-758-7441.  If you have any questions, or wish to volunteer to help out, please email Gerard at the email above or Daniel Howsepian at  If you want to coordinate your wine drop off with Bill, his email is

We are looking forward to a fun wine tasting event!  If it works out as hoped, this could the first annual!

LWGA Board

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