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- 28 Topics
- 39 Posts
- 6 days, 22 hours ago Freshness:
Jess McDowell Winemaking
Viticulture Forum
LWGA members who have questions and/or seek more knowledge regarding installing and/or managing an existing vineyard can get advice and direction from LWGA board member David Hicks. David is a 42 yr Lafayette resident whose vineyard and winery are located in Lake County. He took the entire Davis Viticulture and Enology extension program from 02 to 05, planted his vineyard and built his winery in 04 and has been growing grapes and making wine since 07. David's goal in this roll is to assist members with vineyard issues and questions and providing additional direction toward getting members more advanced resources. David can be reached at dh1780@yahoo.com or 925.997.1997.
- 23 Topics
- 93 Posts
- 7 months, 4 weeks ago Freshness:
Winemaker Forum
Our members have varied interests. This makes it difficult to serve everyone’s interest just though our regular meetings. In response to member feedback, the Board has decided to have Special Interest Groups to allow folks who are interested to take a deeper dive into subjects they are interested in without burdening the entire group. In that spirit we are kicking off a winemaking group. This will be moderated by Bill English and David Hicks. This is not intended to be a lecture series, but rather an opportunity for LWGA’s winemakers and would-be wine makers can get together and share information. We anticipate doing this through a combination of in-person meetings and an on-line forum where you can discuss winemaking methods and get questions answered. Perhaps we can take some field trips too. The mix meeting approaches and topics is totally up to the group.
We would like to start with a show of hands to see who is interested. Send an email to let us know of your interest to billeng81@gmail.com. We think it would be good to start with an in person organizational meeting either at someone’s home or at a local establishment to discuss how often to meet in person, topics, and potential field trips. I view this as a place to start and it is ok to morph the format over time.
Are you interested? Shoot an email to Bill English.
Bill English
- 20 Topics
- 57 Posts
- 6 days, 23 hours ago Freshness:
Jess McDowell Winemaking