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Requesting member to help at the Holiday Party on December 11th at the Lafayette Playhouse

Asking for a minimum of 3 hopefully 4 members to take 35 minute shifts opening and setting up members wine bottles as they arrive at the Playhouse. We will need to keep the bar stocked and glasses available, and finish cup by closing down the party at the end of the evening. I will be coordinating these activities. If you would be willing to help us out please contact me directly as this phone number? 925.9973.1997. Looking forward to hearing from some of you soon.

Regards, DAVID HICKS President LWGA


Time to RSVP!

Our member holiday party is soon approaching. This year we will gather at the Town Hall Theatre on School Street in Lafayette in your ugliest holiday sweaters!

Dinner will be catered, and bring a bottle of your favorite Lamorinda AVA wine to share.

Wednesday December 11 from 7-9
Town Hall Theatre
3535 School St Lafayette

RSVP today:

Hello Fellow LWGA Grape growers

I hope by now you have all harvested your grapes and are now barreled down and less stressed with the harvesting tasks.

As you know, every year we collect information to see how the association is doing with harvest. We have had great input from our members and hope to do the same this year.

I would like to request that you please send me the following information:

Your vineyard name

Amount of your yield in pounds. ie: 1,250 #

Varietal of your grapes. ie. Cab Sauvignon, Merlot, etc

Any comments you may like to share on this year’s harvest

All this information is only to compare year to year LWGA harvest. Your personal information will not be shared and the report will only have data, no names on it and will be shared with the membership only.

Please get this information to me by November 30, 2024

Thank you again for participating! And happy winemaking!😎

Please call me @ 925-858-7000 if you have any questions.


Daniel Howsepian

LWGA Board Member

A happy harvest to all members, grape growers and winemakers. ” The 2024 Holiday Event”

This year LWGA will be having its Holiday and Christmas celebration party at the Lafayette Play House on School Street in downtown Lafayette on Wednesday December 11, doors open at 6:30 PM sharp. Two years ago we held this event at the Play House and a great time was had by all. This year we are asking all our non bonded member winemakers and guests to not bring store bought wines as a main purpose of our club is to enjoy the the large variety of wine made by our members as well as the fine wines made by our bonded members. So be sure to bring a bottle or three of your wine? Please put the date on your calendars and watch this space for a couple more upcoming announcements about our Holiday party.

Have an Happy Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing you all at the party.

David Hicks, President LWGA

Hi LWGA winemakers and grape growers;

LWGA will be holding its annual Holiday and Christmas party once again this year at the Town Center Theater located on School street in Lafayette. The date is Wed Dec 11 at 7PM. In a few weeks we will be sending out a formal invite requiring a response in order for us to order the appropriate amount of food. As a growing and winemaking org we urge you to bring your own wines for all to taste and enjoy. We also request that you not bring any non AVA commercial wines, we can buy that stuff anywhere? Kindly log the date and watch this space for future information.

Best regards,

David Hicks, President


50th Anniversary – Town of Moraga Pear and Wine Festival

Join LWGA members at the Moraga Pear and Wine Festival, this Saturday 9/28, at Moraga Commons 11-4. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the Town of Moraga. Free event with food and wine for purchase, live entertainment, kids activities, and community stands. There will be a street parade kicking off celebrations at 10.

More details available here:

Useful info from the General Membership meeting on September 15th

We had a lively session at the General Meeting on September 15. Thank you to our panelists – Bill Scanlin, Ewa  Wojnar and moderator: Marek Fibrich This is Ewa’s Harvest check list – while many have already harvested,  this might come in handy for those who have not harvested yet, and useful for following years. There were questions about what to use to sanitize buckets, shears etc.  Star San is a popular sanitizer which can be purchased through Amazon or many other providers on line. There was a question about membership and whether a winemaker whose vineyards are in Napa, however wine made locally would be eligible to join.  The answer yes, they would be eligible for an associate membership.  

Pre-harvest Checklist

Harvest Checklist: Pre-planning for success –

Restock all testing lab chemicals
Restockl cleaning and sanitation supplies
Buy yeast, food for yeast, if not using native, and malolactic stuff 
Sharpen if needed, clean, oil, and sanitize cutters
Check crusher/de-stemmer

Check the lab scale (batteries, accuracy)
Calibrate testing equipment

Clean the floor in the winery (garage -)

Clean and sanitize crusher, fermenters, harvest bins/pails, 

Prep boards with paper and pens for notes and weights log, etc.

Prep cleaning solutions and brushes
Drop the nets the night before or the morning of
Prep water bottles for the pickers
Set up sanitizer buckets
Set up plain water buckets for rinsing and rags
Prep KSO2 for each fermenter

Clean Clean Clean

Used wine equipment available for purchase in Oakland

Posting on behalf of the seller. If you have questions, please contact Bret directly.


Hello East Bay Winemakers, 

I hope you are doing well. In case you haven’t heard, Côte West will be closing its tasting room and winery in Oakland later this summer. We’ll continue to make wine, but in a different facility. 

This means we have a lot of equipment, tanks, barrels, and furniture to sell. In case you are looking for anything, from a very nice 20HL bladder press to extra TC fittings, we’ve got it all. 

The list of most equipment for sale, including pricing, can be found here.

Photos of most of the equipment can be found here.

Feel free to share this more broadly. The posting on Wine Business Monthly is here.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Bret Hogan
Winemaker and Owner
Côte West
2102 Dennison St., Ste. A
Oakland, CA 94606